Fall Sports Practice Schedules & Guidelines

August 28, 2020

Fall Sports are Back ON!
Once students have been in school for roughly 2 weeks and have been participating in sports practices during that time, the Covid-19 metrics will be re-evaluated and a determination will be made if Fall Sports will continue. ​
Practice Progressions Per CIAC Guidelines for Fall Sports: 
-as of 8/27/2020
Girls Volleyball, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer


 -Practices Begin at 2:15 pm and will go until 3:15pm (Practices not to exceed 60 minutes)
-30 mins of Conditioning and 30 mins of Skill work (all non-contact and low risk activities will be completed)
-Students Athletes will be placed in Cohorts of 10 and maintain proper social distancing


9/21/2020- 9/25/2020
 -Practices Begin at 2:15 pm and will go until 3:45 pm (practices not to exceed 90 mins)
-Full Team practices allowed with contact and full speed drills


-Practices Begin at 2:15 pm and will go until 4:15 pm (practices not to exceed 120 minutes)
-Full Team Practices
-Scrimmages may begin on 9/26


10/1/2020 to 11/21/2020
 -Practices Begin at 2:15 pm and will go until 4:15 pm (practices not to exceed 120 minutes)
-Games will be scheduled during this time period. 
-Post Season Play is TBD but would be played from 11/2/2020 to 11/15/2020
Boys and Girls Cross Country Practice Progression


-Practices Begin at 2:15 pm and will go until 3:15 pm.  Practices can’t exceed 1 hour.  
-Coaches will formulate a 3 week conditioning progression
-Coaches will keep runners in small cohorts and maintain distancing while training.  


9/21/2020 to 09/25/2020
-Teams may have full practice for 90 minutes


-Teams may have full practice for 120 minutes


-Races and meets can take place during this window of time
-Athletes will continue training daily
TRC Football (which is a Tri-OP between Grasso Tech, Norwich Tech and St. Bernards)
August 29 – Sept 13 (Cohorts of 10) 1-hour practices comprised of 30 minutes of conditioning and 30 minutes of skill work. Skill work is non-contact and maintains a social distance of 6 feet for all participants. Additional time can be spent with student-athletes online to review game film, playbooks, etc. While teams are permitted to pass out equipment such as helmets and shoulder pads to begin the heat acclimatization process, schools may elect to delay equipment distribution until necessary due to the significant COVID sanitizing measures required to complete this process.
 Sept 14 – Sept 21 (Cohorts of 10) 60-minute practice comprised of 30 minutes of conditioning and 30 minutes of skill work. Skill work can involve 15 minutes of contact intended to demonstrate and teach talking and blocking progressions. Additional time can be spent with student-athletes online to review game film, playbooks, etc. 
Sept 21 – 30 (Full Team) 2-hour practices comprised of 45 minutes of conditioning and 75 minutes of skill work. Skill work can involve 30 minutes of contact intended to demonstrate and teach tackling and blocking progressions. The remaining 60 minutes of skill work is non-contact and maintains a social distance of 6 feet for all participants. Additional time can be spent with student-athletes online to review game film, playbooks, etc. A full contact scrimmage may take place as of Sept 26. 
Oct 1 – Nov 21 Full team 2-hour practices. Coaches should be aware of student-athletes’ conditioning level and account for additional progressions on an individual basis. Full contact should be limited to the time necessary to teach appropriate tackling and skill specific technique, but in any case, may not exceed 10 minutes per day per athlete. 
Oct 1 – Nov 21 games may be played.
 Parents and Guardians are responsible for getting their child to and from Norwich Tech for conditioning and practices before the school year starts for TRC Football.  However, once school starts we will run a bus daily from Grasso to Norwich Tech for practices.  Parents and Guardians will have to pick their child up after practices at Norwich Tech.  
 Please contact the head coach (Darin Jones) for more information.  
Darin Jones: 
Email: jonesy63us@yahoo.com