Start of Fall Practice Announcement (REVISED)

September 1, 2020


You are all expected to be at Practice on Wednesday 9/2/2020 starting at 2:15..Practices will end at 3:15

If you are at home learning virtually, you will be allowed to leave your 6th period class to get to practice on time. You must communicate with that teacher and you are responsible for all work missed.   

Please report to the designated area listed below and find your coach at the end of the school day.

If you can’t get a ride please contact your coach via email ASAP:

Practice Locations and Parent Pick-up Locations:

 TRC Football-

Until Further Notice Parents must provide transportation to and from practice which is at Norwich Tech.

Once our buses are back in operation Football Players will Report to Main Lobby Foyer area to wait for Bus to Norwich Tech

Parent Pick-up: Some days a ride back to Grasso will be provided/other days Parent Must pick up at Norwich Tech..TBA


Boys Soccer-Report to Cafeteria

Report to Cafeteria at 2:15 PM

Parent Pick-up behind the school by Culinary

Girls Soccer-Report to Cafeteria

Report to Cafeteria at 2:15 PM

Parent Pick-up behind the school by Culinary

Girls volleyball-Report to Gymnasium

Report to Gymnasium at 2:15 PM

Parent Pick-up by Gymnasium

Girls Cross Country-Report to Drafting Trade Area

Report to Drafting Trade Area at 2:15 PM

Parent Pick-up by the fitness center/Gymnasium

Boys Cross Country-Report to Drafting Trade Area

Report to Drafting Trade Area at 2:15 PM

Parent Pick-up by the fitness center/Gymnasium