IT Students Volunteer at Groton Fall Festival

October 10, 2019

Letter of Thanks from Mr. Gary Weale – Groton Rotary Club to Mr. Grossman.

Hi Jon,
The whole Groton Rotary Club wanted me to give a loud and sincere shout of THANKS SO MUCH to the Information Technology (IT) students from Ella T. Grasso Technical High School who volunteered to spend a large part of Saturday, 10/5, assisting and leading the Club members in preparing Amber Alert child identification cards.  Despite the fact that one printer malfunctioned during setup, making its system inoperable for the entire event, the Grasso Tech volunteers worked tirelessly to keep the remaining system humming along to make new cards for 94 children.  They also produced 18 duplicate cards for a total quantity of 112 ID cards, which is an excellent number even for two working systems.

Ryan Nix and Nelson Flores worked almost non-stop on the functioning system to achieve this high output.  They were assisted in the myriad support tasks for this effort by Leslie Ann Melendez, Seth Kinser, Naya Peck, Grant Smallwood, and Joseph Lopez.  Joseph also took it upon himself to repeat the entire setup of the malfunctioning system in a last-ditch attempt to clear the printer malfunction, but to no avail.  Recognizing that there was little computer work available, Grant volunteered to help our hobbled member R.B. Kent in selling/hanging “Turkey Legs,” an effort that raised $136 for donations to Thanksgiving food drives.  His help was invaluable to Mr. Kent.

I apologize for our not having a significant amount of “computer work” available for all your volunteers to show their IT prowess, but they did demonstrate fine interpersonal skills in an almost-work environment.  Their voluntary contribution of significant time and effort was very much appreciated by the Groton Rotary Club in its Amber Alert effort.  Thank You.

Yours in Rotary service,  Gary Weale