Mechanical Design and Engineering Tour LBI Inc.

February 14, 2019

On February 1st Grasso Tech Mechanical Design and Engineering Technology 12 juniors visited LBI Inc. in Groton for a tour of their manufacturing facility.

LBI Inc. provide design and development services in naval architecture, mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics engineering. They also provide fabrication and manufacturing services in composites, machining, metal fabrication, welding, electronics and testing. Some of products have been used by the Navy and NOAA.

Grasso MDET students witness several manufacturing process and examined some of the products that LBI produced. Students saw first-hand how a water jet machine cuts through metal plate with a beam of water.

They viewed how a CNC Router quickly cut several wooden patterns from one sheet of plywood. There were several molds that was used to produce fiberglass containers that housed missiles for transport.

Students also took video footage of each process to produce a manufacturing video for the EAMA 2019 Video Challenge, “What’s so Cool About Manufacturing”.