BET Student Earns Ambassadorship

May 30, 2018

Grasso B.E.T. Junior Awarded Ambassadorship!
At an event held at the State Capital, BET 11th grader, Erin Blake, as honored for volunteering to be Grasso’s Safe Boating Ambassador. She was awarded a certificate from CT-DEEP Commissioner, Rob Klee.

To be chosen to be an Ambassador, Erin received her CT-DEEP Safe Boating Certificate from Mr. McVeigh, designed a tri-fold poster on boater safety and encouraged students try on life jackets during all lunch waves one day in the early spring. The ceremony, for Erin and other student Ambassadors, was held Tuesday, May 22nd at 3:00pm. It was attended by Erin, her family and Mr. Fritch from Grasso.

One thing that I learned from Erin’s poster is that 85% of boating related deaths occur to person that a not wearing life jackets.

Great job, Erin!